What is the definition of a God or Goddess?
Are They just words to explain what we don't understand, or are They real beings, unseen, but felt? Are They here to assist us with our lives, or are They only something we wish for when we are in need?
A heady question... what is God or Goddess, and one that is very difficult to answer.
There are as many answers as there are people on Earth and They have as many names as there have been civilizations in humankind's history. Each of us has our own idea about who and what They are. Even when we think we are agreeing on how we view Them, that view is still unique only to us. As individuals it is impossible for everyone to hold an identical image of the Gods. Each of us see's/ feels Them in our own way. I believe They are who we want or need Them to be at the time we call upon Them...and even that image changes with each circumstance.
My patron Goddess is Artemis. She has been with me my entire life, even before I understood exactly what my beliefs were. I can look back over the various chapters of my life and see where She stepped in to protect and guide me. At those times I didn't even know who Artemis was, or that She even existed. She helped me through a difficult childhood, then a difficult marriage. She was with me through six pregnancies, helping the births of my children go smooth and easy. She was not there to necessarily take away my pain, but to help me find the courage and strength to survive it. Even when I prayed to my God at the time to just let me die because I felt I couldn't endure one more day of unhappiness, there was always that small niggling poke from somewhere inside me that told me I could get through this crisis and come out the other side a stronger and better person for the experience.
I don't believe our Gods can wave a magic wand and make all the bad go away, but I do believe They are always with us, encouraging us and showing us the way to overcome the terrible hand life has once again dealt us.
As far as worshiping our Gods, I feel that just believing in Them is all the worship they require. Saying the occasional thank you, and living our lives in a way that honors Them is enough.
Although I am now well into my Crone years and Artemis is known as the protector of the young and innocent and the bringer of painless child birth, I feel She is still with me. She is the Goddess who held my hand as I entered this life, and after spending so many years together, She has granted me the gift of once again holding it when my time comes to leave. She is not a Goddess apart from me, but the Goddess that is a part of me, and I am grateful for Her presence and guidance all these years.
So back to the question “What is God/Goddess” ? They are who and what 'you' want Them to be. They are called by the name 'you' call Them. They are 'you' in your most Divine form.